
  • Business Type: Store
  • Address: address--v1 MH Del Pilar Street Ligtasan TARLAC TARLAC
  • Phone Number: (02) 628 0088

  • URL:

Company Profile

Charms N Crystals is a unique store located in the heart of TARLAC TARLAC. Specializing in handmade crystal jewelry and spiritual healing products, our store offers a wide selection of one-of-a-kind pieces that are carefully crafted with love and intention. We believe in the power of crystals to heal, protect, and uplift our customers, and strive to provide a welcoming and positive environment for all who walk through our doors. Whether you are looking for a beautiful piece of jewelry to enhance your outfit, a special gift for a loved one, or a healing crystal to support your spiritual journey, Charms N Crystals has something for everyone. Our store also offers workshops, events, and private consultations to help our customers deepen their connection with crystals and tap into their healing energies. With a team of dedicated and knowledgeable staff members, we are committed to assisting our customers in finding the perfect crystal for their needs and providing guidance on how to use them effectively. At Charms N Crystals, we are passionate about spreading positivity, love, and healing through crystal energy, and invite you to visit our store to experience the transformative power of these beautiful stones for yourself.