
  • Business Type: Mkt/native Prods.; Native Product
  • Address: address--v1 CENTRAL MARKET ESTRELLA ST. TAÑONG Malabon Metro Manila
  • Phone Number:

  • URL:

Company Profile

LURING NATIVE STORE (S) is a premier market for traditional and indigenous products located in CENTRAL MARKET ESTRELLA ST. TAÑONG, Malabon Metro Manila. Our goal is to showcase and promote the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Filipino native products to a wider audience. From handwoven textiles, artisanal pottery, organic food products, and indigenous crafts, our store offers a wide range of high-quality native items that are sourced directly from local communities across the country. We are committed to supporting local artisans and preserving traditional crafts, while also providing customers with unique and sustainable products that reflect the beauty and diversity of Philippine culture. Visit LURING NATIVE STORE (S) to experience the warmth and authenticity of Filipino heritage through our curated collection of native goods.