
  • Business Type: Trade and Business Associations
  • Address: address--v1 c/o Integrated Dynamic Services, 3482 Honda St.cor EDSA, Makati City Makati Metro Manila
  • Phone Number: (02) 4100394;8915572

  • URL:

Company Profile

The Philippine Association of Local Service Contractors (PALSCON) is a reputable trade and business association based in Makati City, Metro Manila. With its office located at c/o Integrated Dynamic Services on Honda St. and EDSA, PALSCON is dedicated to representing and advocating for the interests of local service contractors in the Philippines. The association serves as a platform for networking, collaboration, and professional development among its members, as well as a voice for the industry in policy-making discussions. PALSCON is committed to promoting best practices, ethical standards, and industry growth within the local service contracting sector. As an established and trusted organization, PALSCON offers valuable resources, industry insights, and networking opportunities to its members. With a focus on excellence, integrity, and innovation, the association strives to elevate the standards and reputation of local service contractors in the Philippines. Join PALSCON today and be part of a dynamic community dedicated to advancing the local service contracting industry in the country.