
  • Business Type: Trade and Business Associations
  • Address: address--v1 c/o TGM Philippines, Inc. Trade Association Makati Metro Manila
  • Phone Number: (02) 687-0567

  • URL:

Company Profile

The Bosconian Chamber of Commerce (BCC) is a dynamic trade and business association based in Makati Metro Manila, operating under the auspices of TGM Philippines, Inc. With a rich history of fostering economic growth and development, BCC serves as a platform for facilitating connections, advocacy, and collaboration within the business community. Our organization is dedicated to promoting the interests of its members, which include a diverse array of industries spanning from manufacturing to services. Through networking events, seminars, and other initiatives, BCC provides opportunities for businesses to expand their reach, share knowledge, and achieve their goals. As a leading voice for businesses in the region, BCC is committed to driving innovation, fostering economic prosperity, and building strong partnerships that will benefit both its members and the wider community. Join us at BCC and unlock the potential for growth and success in a thriving business environment.