
  • Business Type: Trade and Business Associations
  • Address: address--v1 c/o Anvic Construction Corporation, 99 A San Guillermo Avenue, Buting, Pasig Pasig Metro Manila
  • Phone Number: 642-7746

  • URL:

Company Profile

PCA Mandaluyong-Pasig-San Juan Chapter is a dynamic trade and business associations organization based in Pasig Metro Manila. As a chapter under the umbrella of the Philippine Constructors Association (PCA), we aim to promote collaboration and partnership among businesses in the construction industry within the Mandaluyong, Pasig, and San Juan areas. Our members benefit from networking opportunities, industry insights, and advocacy efforts that help them stay competitive and compliant in today's ever-changing business landscape. With a strong focus on promoting ethical business practices and sustainable development, PCA Mandaluyong-Pasig-San Juan Chapter is dedicated to fostering growth and innovation in the construction sector. Our team of experienced professionals and industry experts work tirelessly to provide our members with resources and support they need to thrive in their respective industries. Whether it's through training programs, industry events, or advocacy campaigns, we are committed to driving positive change and progress for our members and the larger community.