
  • Business Type: Public Elementary School
  • Address: address--v1 Lambunao Iloilo
  • Phone Number: (033)3491694

  • URL:

Company Profile

Madarag Elementary School is a public educational institution located in the peaceful town of Lambunao in the province of Iloilo. With a mission to provide quality education to young learners, the school is committed to nurturing the minds and talents of its students. Madarag Elementary School offers a comprehensive curriculum that caters to the diverse needs of its students, fostering a holistic approach to learning that includes academic excellence, creative expression, and character development. The school also prides itself on its dedicated faculty and staff who are passionate about guiding students towards success and empowering them to reach their full potential. At Madarag Elementary School, we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and supported in their academic journey. Our school community is built on the foundation of respect, integrity, and collaboration, ensuring that students develop the skills and values necessary to become responsible and productive members of society. With a strong sense of community spirit and a focus on student-centered learning, Madarag Elementary School is truly a place where young minds can grow and flourish.