
  • Business Type: Public High School
  • Address: address--v1 -Bacao, Dumaran, PAlawan Dumaran Palawan
  • Phone Number: 09056719862 / 09394849251

  • URL:

Company Profile

Bacao National High School, formerly known as Dumaran National High School, is a public educational institution located in the heart of Bacao, Dumaran, Palawan. With a mission to provide quality education to the young minds of the community, the school is committed to nurturing its students socially, academically, and emotionally to prepare them for the challenges of the future. Bacao National High School offers a wide range of academic programs and extracurricular activities to cater to the diverse interests and talents of its students. With a dedicated team of teachers and staff, the school aims to instill values of discipline, leadership, and excellence in each student, ensuring they become well-rounded individuals ready to contribute positively to society. Through its holistic approach to education, Bacao National High School continues to empower the youth of Dumaran, Palawan, and shape the leaders of tomorrow.