
  • Business Type: Food and Foodstuff
  • Address: address--v1 Bo. Cabu, Tambler, Gen. Santos City
  • Phone Number: (083) 380-7278

  • URL:

Company Profile

Celebes Canning Corp. is a leading food and foodstuff business located in Bo. Cabu, Tambler, Gen. Santos City. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, we are known for our high-quality canned goods and food products that cater to the diverse tastes of our customers. Our products range from canned fruits and vegetables to seafood, meat, and ready-to-eat meals, all made with the freshest ingredients and using state-of-the-art technology to ensure the highest level of quality and safety. Celebes Canning Corp. is committed to providing delicious and nutritious food options that meet the needs of our consumers and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.