
  • Address: address--v1 #103, PRECIOUS BLDG., DILA Santa Rosa Laguna
  • Phone Number:

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Company Profile

APEX BANK (RURAL BANK OF LIPA) is a trusted commercial banking institution with a strong presence in the Santa Rosa Laguna area. Our dedicated team of financial experts is committed to providing comprehensive banking solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. From personal accounts to business loans and investments, APEX BANK offers a wide range of financial products and services to help our customers achieve their financial goals. Conveniently located at #103 Precious Bldg., Dila, Santa Rosa Laguna, APEX BANK is committed to fostering financial growth and stability in the community we serve. With a focus on customer service excellence and a solid reputation for reliability, APEX BANK is the go-to choice for all your banking needs.