
  • Business Type: FOUNDATION
  • Address: address--v1 P BURGOS STREET San Mateo Rizal
  • Phone Number: 997-0503

  • URL:

Company Profile

CENTER FOR AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT INC is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to promoting sustainable agriculture and fostering rural development in the Philippines. Located at P Burgos Street in San Mateo, Rizal, our organization works closely with local farmers, communities, and government agencies to provide training, resources, and support to improve agricultural practices and livelihood opportunities. Through educational programs, capacity building workshops, and community outreach initiatives, we strive to empower rural communities to become self-sufficient, environmentally conscious, and economically viable. Our goal is to create a more resilient and prosperous agricultural sector that benefits both farmers and consumers, while also preserving the natural resources and promoting social equity in rural areas.