
  • Business Type: Information and Communications Technology
  • Address: address--v1 1685 S. Herrera Street Sta. Cruz Manila
  • Phone Number: (632) 743-5783-85 / 743-2610 12

  • URL:

Company Profile

Savant Technologies, Incorporated is a leading Information and Communications Technology (ICT) company based in the bustling city of Manila. With a strong focus on delivering innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology, we provide a wide range of services including network infrastructure development, software development, cybersecurity solutions, and cloud services. Our team of skilled professionals are dedicated to providing top-notch service and support to our clients, ensuring they stay ahead of the competition in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. Located at 1685 S. Herrera Street in Sta. Cruz, Manila, Savant Technologies is committed to helping businesses thrive in the digital age through our expertise and commitment to excellence. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help take your business to the next level.