
  • Business Type: VOLUNTARY ASSN
  • Address: address--v1 2037 YAKAL ST, BGY 355, ZONE 036 STA CRUZ, MANILA
  • Phone Number:

  • URL:

Company Profile

Word From Heaven Christian Fellowship Inc is a voluntary association dedicated to spreading the word of God and providing spiritual guidance and support to its members. Located in the heart of Sta Cruz, Manila, our organization offers a welcoming and inclusive community for individuals seeking to deepen their faith and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Through regular worship services, fellowship activities, and community outreach programs, we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. At Word From Heaven Christian Fellowship Inc, our mission is to empower individuals to live out their faith and make a difference in the world around them. With a strong emphasis on prayer, worship, and biblical teaching, we seek to encourage spiritual growth and transformation in all who walk through our doors. We invite individuals of all backgrounds and walks of life to join us in our mission to spread the message of God's love and grace to the community of Sta Cruz and beyond.