
  • Business Type: RESTAURANT
  • Address: address--v1 367 YCAZA ST, SAN MIGUEL, MANILA
  • Phone Number:

  • URL:

Company Profile

RIA'S - MANNY CUISINE is a family-owned restaurant located at 367 Ycaza St, San Miguel, Manila. Specializing in Filipino and international cuisine, RIA'S offers a unique dining experience that combines traditional flavors with modern techniques. With a cozy and inviting ambiance, customers can expect top-notch service and mouth-watering dishes made from the finest ingredients. From classic Filipino favorites like adobo and sinigang to international dishes like pasta and steaks, RIA'S - MANNY CUISINE is the perfect destination for a delicious meal with family and friends. Visit us today and experience the culinary delights that RIA'S has to offer.