
  • Business Type: FASTFOOD
  • Address: address--v1 151 MURALLA ST, BGY 654, ZONE 069 INTRAMUROS, MANILA
  • Phone Number:

  • URL:

Company Profile

Poratha Projects Computer Inc is a fast food business located at 151 Muralla St, Bgy 654, Zone 069 Intramuros, Manila. Specializing in traditional and innovative poratha dishes, our menu offers a variety of options to satisfy every craving. From classic cheese and egg porathas to unique creations like chocolate chip porathas, our dishes are made with fresh, quality ingredients and cooked to perfection. Whether you're looking for a quick, satisfying meal on the go or a hearty feast to enjoy with friends and family, Poratha Projects Computer Inc is the place to be. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond our food to our customer service. Our team is dedicated to providing a welcoming and efficient dining experience for every customer. We strive to create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere where guests can relax and indulge in our delicious offerings. Visit us at Poratha Projects Computer Inc and discover the magic of traditional poratha dishes with a modern twist.