
  • Address: address--v1 622 STO CRISTO ST, BGY 281, ZONE 026 SAN NICOLAS, MANILA
  • Phone Number:

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Company Profile

Alicia G Flores Native Products is a retail store that specializes in offering a wide range of high-quality native products sourced directly from local artisans and communities. Located at 622 Sto Cristo St, Bgy 281, Zone 026 San Nicolas, Manila, our store is committed to supporting and promoting traditional Filipino craftsmanship and heritage. We offer a diverse selection of products including handicrafts, woven textiles, pottery, home décor, accessories, and more, all made using sustainable and eco-friendly materials. Our mission is to showcase the beauty and craftsmanship of Filipino native products while also supporting the livelihoods of local artisans and preserving our cultural heritage. Visit us at Alicia G Flores Native Products and experience the richness and uniqueness of Filipino craftsmanship.